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4. Monitor and Report

"We are in Bellevue St near Morden. And we have sent emails of complaint to CPB Downer. Responses have been poor. The street is always full of Downer trucks coming and going. "

Jennifer, Cammeray Voice

Fox's report: All hens present and accounted for

The final major directive from the Ministerial Conditions for the Project Team regarding On-Street Parking was crystal clear: keep an eagle eye on on-street parking, ensure everything is up to par, and keep us in the loop regularly. But alas, instead of the rigorous check-ins we'd hoped for,  where reporting has been completed, it feels more like we're reading the "Fox's Report," where all hens are always magically present and accounted for! 

What unfolds below is a comparison of the Ministerial Conditions, the rosy picture the Project Teams have painted about what they would do and how things are going, and the real on-the-ground situation. Spoiler alert - the latter might just feature a few missing hens.

A. What the Ministerial Conditions said the Project Team had to do 

Put simply, the Ministerial Conditions require the Project Team to:

MONITOR WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH PARKING  - to check that it's effective 

TAKE ACTION IF NEEDED - if they establish that current measure are ineffective 

REPORT BACK AT THREE MONTHLY INTERVALS - to the Planning Secretary and to North Sydney Council 


Excerpt from Ministerial Conditions. 

B. What the Project Teams said they would do 

In summary, the Project teams' plans commit to: 

MONITOR WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH PARKING  - on a fortnightly basis. There are some variations between the project teams for each stage on what they are actually inspecting however.  Stages 1B and 2 say they will only inspect the roads where parking spots have removed - but not the broader areas. Stage 3B sill inspect the "areas immediately adjacent to the sites." 

TAKE ACTION IF NEEDED - if they establish that current measure are ineffective 

REPORT BACK AT THREE MONTHLY INTERVALS - to North Sydney Council, DPIE and Transport for NSW


Front cover and excerpts from most recent Monitoring Report for Stage 1B (June 2023) . 

C. What's actually happening

The Fox is in charge of the henhouse. In other words,  the Project Teams are monitoring themselves - at least some are -  for non-compliance, and surprise surprise, they aren't finding any. Here's a more detailed rundown:


There are numerous flaws in how the Project Teams are monitoring  and reporting on compliance with Ministerial conditions:

  •  They're monitoring themselves - which is like asking a student to grade their own exams. 

  • Even though Stage 1B  is monitoring fortnightly, they're only monitoring two streets around Cammeray Golf Course, which falls woefully short of the requirement to monitor all areas that construction areas might park.  So unsurprisingly they're not picking up any problems. 

  • Stage 2 (CP Downer) appears to be monitoring a larger number of streets - however:

    • They only monitored the streets once or twice a quarter  instead of fortnightly (for streets around CGC) - and the just released the latest report which was to June 2023, more than four and a half months since the last report (more than 50% longer than the allowed gap between reports); 

    • They didn't do the monitoring at times when construction workers were coming and going - instead coming and going well after the construction workers were parked, leaving them no way of identifying constrution workers' cars.  So it's unsuprising that their monitoring does not report the mass of workers we see parking here every week day. 

  • There's no centralised complaints function for parking issues - at least not one that people are readily aware of. So Cammeray residents are contacting multiple different peope and departments with their issues, often to be told that they are the only ones complaining. ​ Residents complaints appear to be getting lost - they have been contacting anyone they can find including the following:

    • North Sydney Council​ - including the Mayor 

    • Tim James

    • CP Downer

    • The Roads Authority

    • Transport for NSW ​​

  • Many residents are told that they are the only ones complaining. Now this is either a lie - or they aren't keeping any records of complaints. OR they aren't co-ordinating on complaints - so complaints are going to multiple sources. 

  • Either way - as a community, our feedback is being dismissed and diminished complaints are not getting any attention. If you read the latest Monitoring reports available - the Stage 1B report says there were no complaints for the June quarter, and CP Downer mentions only a handful. 

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